Prodotti ausiliari-Vernici
5826674 - Vernice finale opaca
Resina acrilica (30%); Ragia minerale; Silice opacizzante
- Soluzione opalescente
- Genera un film opaco molto resistente
- Agitare prima dell'uso
- Non applicare su superfici molto assorbenti, può causare affioramenti della silice opacizzante. Applicare prima uno strato di una vernice isolante
- Miscelare con la Vernice finale brillante per ottenere infiniti gradi di finiture differenti
- Prodotto reversibile

DANGER: FLAMMABLE. HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED. VAPOR HARMFUL. SKIN IRRITANT. CANCER AGENT BASED ON EXPERIMENTAL DATA. Contains: ETHYL BENZENE, PETROLEUM DISTILLATES. PRECAUTIONS: Avoid prolonged contact with skin. Wash hands immediately after use. When using wear impermeable protective gloves, or do not eat, drink or smoke. Do not store or use near heat or flame. Use only with adequate ventilation. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. FIRST AID TREATMENT: If swallowed, do not induce vomitting. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. If inhalation symptoms occur, move to fresh air. If skin contact occurs, wash with soap and water for 5 minutes. If symptoms persist, see a physician. For further health information contact a poison control center or call1-888-624-6374.